Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful: Useful Information About Slip and Fall Accidents in the Winter Months

- Personal Injury
- , Slip & Fall
Winter is in full swing here in Colorado. The Front Range averages between 10 and 15 inches of snowfall per month between November and April. With that comes the increased risk of slip and fall accidents.
There are preventative measures pedestrians can take to minimize the risk of a slip and fall. Wearing appropriate footwear and taking the time to find the safest route to your destination is important. Also, it’s important to minimize the distractions when walking during the winter months. This means putting away the smartphone and being aware of your surroundings. Small precautions help prevent slip and fall accidents.
If you fall and are injured, make sure you get the medical attention you need. Your primary concern should be addressing your injuries as quickly and effectively as possible. Sometimes pain develops after the first 12-24 hours. Make an appointment with your doctor. Again, your priority should be getting better and taking the steps necessary to recover.
Try to document details of your slip and fall. Who was around? Get names and contact information. What was around? Take pictures of the area, the conditions, the weather, and your shoes and injuries. These details may become important if you decide to file a claim or bring a lawsuit. Save all medical records and bills, letters from the property owner’s insurance provider, and other documents you receive as part of your medical treatment or follow up with the property owner.
Consider contacting the personal injury attorneys at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin at (720) 491-3117 if you suffered injuries from your fall. Our team of experienced attorneys can help walk you through what your options are based on your unique circumstances. JBP can help you negotiate with the insurance, bring a lawsuit if needed, and help you obtain the best outcome from your slip and fall.