JBP Named One of the Fastest Growing Companies in Boulder Valley & Northern Colorado

- Firm News
2020 was a rough year for most businesses, but at Jorgensen, Brownell & Pepin, P.C., we stayed focused on delivering the best possible legal service for clients throughout Colorado. We are excited to say that our efforts paid off, and we were able to achieve great things in 2020 for both our clients and our firm.
In recognition of our great year, the BizWest Mercury 100 publication recently named JBP among the Fastest Growing Companies in Boulder Valley & Northern Colorado! BizWest interviewed and studies companies in various industries throughout Boulder Valley and beyond to see who was able to thrive during the pandemic. We are proud to be among some great local names as well as a few companies with national recognition. Additionally, we’re even more excited because this is our third consecutive year earning this title.
JBP ranks 5th in Flight III. All companies in Flight III had 2020 revenue totals between $2,400,001 and $9,000,000. The ranking was determined by overall two-year growth beginning in 2018. “We feel very humble to have earned this title during such a difficult year. During the pandemic our priority was to make an immediate shift to a virtual environment for both our staff and our clients. With the accessibility to a variety of technology resources we were able to continue to assist our clients and our community through some of the most difficult times they have experienced. “
You can learn more about this achievement by clicking here to view an official press release from BizWest. You can also click here to watch the full 2021 Mercury 100 event video on YouTube, posted by BizWest Media Social Network. Of course, if you have any questions about the legal services of JBP, then we encourage you to contact us at any time.