Legal Ease with JBP: Episode 3—Back to School Podcast

- Podcasts: Legal Ease With JBP
Kids aren’t the only ones who need to be ready for the upcoming school year—parents have plenty they need to prepare for as well. In our recent episode of Legal Ease with JBP, a helpful legal podcast, we discuss the importance of co-parenting during the school year. Separated and divorced parents don’t always have the easiest time communicating with one another and their children, especially with the stress of a new school year looming ever closer. In order to help listeners with common problems during this season, Shareholder and Attorney Rebecca Pepin offers invaluable advice and parenting tips to help make the school year conquerable.
In this podcast, we touch on several points, including the importance of communicating in a business-like manner with your co-parent, the value in prioritizing your children’s needs, and the necessity of including your child’s teacher. Additionally, we explain how parents can efficiently share schedules in a way that benefits their children, minimizes conflict, and gets their kids excited. We also emphasize the importance of supporting the child’s experience and share ideas for encouraging your children’s success in and out of the classroom.
As this episode reminds us, it isn’t divorce that hurts children, its conflict. More on this, and other co-parenting help, in our “Back to School” podcast. Listen below!