The Biggest Reasons for Hiring Personal Injury Lawyer

- Personal Injury
“If you’ve gotten to a point where you’re wondering if you need a lawyer, you definitely need a lawyer.” It’s an old saying true for most people, especially in personal injury.
When you’ve come to harm through the fault of another, there can be a lot on the line—your health, your work, your financial well-being, etc.—and resolving the situation may be tricky and stressful. Hiring an experienced lawyer will almost always improve your situation, but if you’re still on the fence, here are some of the greatest reasons for hiring a personal injury lawyer.
1. Avoiding Costly Mistakes
There are many easy ways to blow a case, from missing important deadlines to making statements that damage your legal position. A good lawyer understands this and will keep your case on track.
2. Identifying All of Your Potential Legal Claims
You don’t know what you don’t know, and in the legal world, that is perilous. For example, if you settle a case, you are generally settling all potential claims related to that case, whether or not you even knew those other claims existed. So you need someone who understands the law to know your options and ensure nothing is left on the table.
3. Understanding the Real Value of Your Case
Many people have settled for a few thousand dollars on a case worth hundreds of thousands, and they had no idea until it was too late. People often focus on immediate expenses like medical bills and don’t consider other concerns like future health problems, loss of earnings, etc. People worry about the cost of hiring an attorney, but that cost is usually more than justified by the increase in compensation that a lawyer can typically secure.
4. The Other Side Probably Has a Lawyer
The American legal system is based on the assumption that both parties in a dispute are equal adversaries. So, if the opposing side has legal representation and you don’t, you will be seriously outgunned from the beginning. The most common types of personal injuries usually involve insurance companies, and insurance companies always have lawyers.
Those lawyers handle cases like yours every day, and their #1 priority is getting you to settle quickly and cheaply. They will apply all sorts of subtle and not-so-subtle pressure to deter you from hiring a lawyer because they know that if you do, their bargaining position will suffer greatly.
5. Taking the Burden Off Your Shoulders
This benefit is harder to quantify but has a huge value. Personal injury cases are stressful. You have the pain of your injuries, conflict with the other party, medical bills piling up, and defense attorneys constantly calling you. Handing a major part of the responsibility to a lawyer can be a tremendous relief that allows you to continue living your life. Your lawyer will be the single point of contact for all things related to your case, they will do the negotiating, and they can even help you find the right medical care.
6. No Upfront Costs
Most personal injury lawyers who represent plaintiffs work on a contingency fee basis. That means you only pay if you win, with no hourly fees, no retainer, just an agreed-upon percentage of the final settlement or monetary award. Given this arrangement, the client requires no financial investment and virtually no downside to hiring a lawyer.
Colorado Personal Injury Specialists
Hiring a personal injury lawyer is almost always beneficial, but delaying too long may restrict your options. If you think you have a case, it’s easy and free to sit down with one of our lawyers and discuss what happened. Contact us today to get started.